Yesterday I was totally pumped and ready after all of the AdvoCare commercials on TV during the kick-off weekend. I could have run through the streets with a flag and bull-horn shouting "AdvoCare...We build Champions". I did not sleep a wink last night. I am not sure why. I tossed and turned. Outlaw barked at the moon I suppose. I asked him what in the world he was barking at and he just looked at me like "Oh you heard that?". So, I hit the snooze button about 10 times. Chad leaves for deacons meeting 45 minutes before we leave for Sunday School. He left before I even woke the boys up. This meant two things, I would be late, and I would be wearing my fake hair ponytail. I rushed into Sunday School just in time for "roll call". We ended up having a wonderful time of prayer requests and prayer instead of a lesson. Those girls are such a blessing to me. I needed that more than ever this morning. I have sort of had a black cloud over my head today. I don't know if I am just tired, or ill, or just exactly what it is. After church I came straight in and started lunch. It was left-over, find whatever you can for lunch today. Spaghetti for Landon, Pizza for Peyton, leftovers for Chad, Grilled turkey burger, green beans, and squash for me. For some reason all I could think about today was food. I have a sweet tooth, kinda like my daddy. He would always ask my mom "Mrs. Sheila, we got a little something sweet?", sometimes she would respond with "Yeah, me." HAHA, Good answer mama! Anyway, I didn't get anything "sweet" that was "challenge friendly" at the grocery store, like fruit or sweet potatoes. I'm not technically on a challenge but I am trying my best to eat like I am. I have been staring at a box of Little Debbie pecan pinwheels for a while. I don't even really like them. But I had one, okay I had two. They are tiny people. That still didn't "fix" my craving.
So, confession is good for the soul right?
Well, here it is...Somebody call the Diet Coke police!
I saw this on a fellow bloggers page and thought it was so fitting for today.
My weight loss journey has had ups and downs, lefts, rights, lots of wrongs, and a whole lot of swirls and curves. It has not been easy. I haven't found a straight shot to my goal. This journey to a healthy lifestyle is much like the Christian life. Just because we are saved doesn't mean that we get to ride an arrow straight to heaven with no twists and turns. It means that we have to navigate through this life the best way we can and trust Jesus to guide and direct us. We have to hold on during the swirls and curves, turn ourselves around when we make a wrong turn, and pick ourselves up when we fall down. He never said that it would be easy, He promised that we would be rewarded in the end and that He makes all things work together for our good. As a Christian I believe that Christ should be the center of every aspect of our lives, that includes weight loss Kellie! I need to give Him my weaknesses so He can be strong for me. Just like me breaking down and having a Diet Coke, we sin every day. Does sin make us "not saved" or get us kicked out of church? No, just like participating in religious activities doesn't make us a christian. When we continually make bad decisions, take steps in the wrong direction that we end up broken, weak, and right back where we started. Is the fact that we are forgiven an excuse to sin? No. So what do we do with that? We strive to do better. Jesus wants to be a part of every single thing in our lives. The funny thing is that He is always right in the middle of it, sometimes we just fail to see Him, or include Him because we think we've "got" this. It may seem silly to you that I would start this out talking about my addiction to diet coke and end up talking about Jesus. I really didn't plan on it but it just sort of showed up on the screen this way.
So even thought this day has not been a real "winner" for me I am going to chose to not let it get the best of me. I know that I can make better choices the rest of the day. Maybe I needed this to remind me that I am stronger than I think on this Sunday in the South.
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