Thursday, August 21, 2014

Anybody have a fairy godmother complete with magical wand? Bippity Boppity Boo Hoo Hoo!

When I first started typing this post I really was not sure where to start or even what to type. I was hoping if I just started rambling some sort of extraordinary statement would flow out. A statement that would explain the train wreck I allowed myself to be a part of since you last heard from me. Don't worry this post is not all doom and gloom. (Insert Inspirational Quote It is however, very real, very honest, and from my heart. 212. Yep you read that right 212 is what was flashing in those stupid digital numbers on my scale that only 4 months ago said 183  (back in my jeans), and only a year and 4 months ago said 159 (jeans falling off). How did I get here? I would like to say I don't know. But I do, just don't like typing it out-loud. First, I need to take you on the waaaaaa-mbulance with me for just a few minutes. Because I am pretty sure I am not the only person alive that has said or thought these things. 
(Insert the sound of whining, crying, kicking, flailing of arms, and some screaming here.)
It's not fair.

Why me?

Skinny people that eat alot make me want to punch them in the throat.

Why do I gain 3 lbs in 1 week and take 3 weeks to lose 1 lb?

I want to quit.

I have no motivation.

I worked so hard and let it all go.

I was tired of working hard. 

Who else works this hard?

I just wanted to eat without thinking.

I'm tired.

What's the point?


Can anyone re-sell me the clothes I sold them over the past 3 years because none of mine fit?

I would like to tell you that quote ignited my fire. It didn't. I have STRUGGLED. I have come to realize 99% of my battle is in my head. I still don't have the answer to all those questions. I suppose I will always have days where I feel that way.

One of the ONLY things that jolted me enough to order myself a cleanse and set a date to start a 24 day challenge was the fact that I weighed more than I did when I originally started AdvoCare and was well on my way back to the pic on the left. That infamous picture that started it all in the first place. Something had to change and fast. Let me back up slightly. The pic on the right was in April 2014. Just 4 months ago, right after I finished a Lean in 13. That was the 183 mark. First time to wear a "fitted" dress like that in YEARS. A few things happened that aren't worth my time mentioning. Things that I allowed to start my downward spiral. (All I will say is that as Thumper put it...If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all.)  I used the words "I allowed" because I did allow opinions, circumstances, life to mess me up. It wasn't that they caused my problem, it was that I allowed them to control me. (Excuse the bathroom selfie, it was the only place with a full length mirror. I made it to send to my husband while I was in Nashville, and he responded with "NICE" meaning like "HOT NICE" not just nice. Which made me LOL. Which should have been all the reassurance I needed. Somehow "Little Debbie" also "reassured" me.)

I started an AdvoCare 24 day challenge on July 29, 2014. To be honest I wasn't sure I would even make it through the first three days. AdvoCare helped me accomplish so much and without question I knew it was the very BEST place to start "again". Obviously I had not been following the AdvoCare plan nor had I been faithfully taking the products during the de-railment. Which leads me to the other reason I knew something had to change. AdvoCare has given me a vehicle to accomplish goals. Health goals, fitness goals, weight-loss goals, and financial goals. I was throwing that away, not at all leading by example for my awesome team. (Something I harp on to my boys "Lead by example". Hey how about "Practice what you preach mom.") Here are my before pics.

SO, CLEARLY, THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY WERE. And HOLY SNAP BEANS that behind! Wooooooo. Where did that come from? Other than the little debbie cakes, cinnamon rolls, cupcakes, etc. I am sure some of you are falling out in your chairs that I would post such obscenities as my weight, measurements, and ahem, photos. However, it's my story, my decision. 
So whoop there it is. 

The day after my cleanse was over I had the amazing opportunity to attend AdvoCare Success School in Arlington, Texas with three of my team members and my amazing up-line! We competed in a competition to win a sweat shirt and I am proud to stay my girl Stacey Thomas and I won two of them! Way to represent Team Mississippi! Our team celebration was at Six Flags. I rode BATMAN THE RIDE...BACKWARDS! IT WAS AWESOME! On Sunday morning we had a worship service with Micheal W. Smith. It was breathtaking. The name of Jesus rang through Cowboys stadium. Pretty sure that doesn't happen too often.

We attended product training and heard from so many leaders in AdvoCare. One special time during Success School is the Rising Stars presentations. People in AdvoCare that have amazing stories are selected for these awards. The one that touched me the most was the cutest blonde I have ever seen. When my team looked at me and said she sounds so much like you Kellie. I felt so honored and so broken as well. It broke my heart because I knew that I had lost that desire and I desperately wanted it back. I had a great time with my team. They are truly a blessing to me. I have to say I was not totally "on" with my food, but I did control myself portion wise and made the best selection I could. I weighed the second I got home just to be sure. I didn't gain and that was the goal... to travel without gaining. Whew. 

Today is day 24. I have cried ALOT. Like ALOT. Angry tears, sad tears, exhausted tears, I want a diet coke tears.

Here are my results photos. 

Weight Loss: 13.6 lbs
Inch Loss: 7 Inches

TBH: I am pretty proud of the scale numbers but I am not so proud of the inch loss or pictures. I really didn't even want to post them. You know it is way harder to look at results photos when you have gone up and are trying really hard to come back down. However it is what it is. 

Tired of being Negative Nancy so here are my Polly Positives for where I am right now.

Some...of my clothes are STARTING to fit.
I met my first goal of getting back under 200 (barely).
Though they subtle I can tell a difference. 
My hair has really grown.
I have worked out every day this week.
I LOVE the new DB9 protein bars. (Help curb my sweet tooth and they have Drew Brees's face on the box...Who wouldn't love to see that face on a box every morning!)

So what now?

I am pretty sure Disney is not going to share their secret stash of fairy godmothers or magical wands. Hoopla and fairy dust doesn't get it done. Hard work, dedication, commitment, and perseverance do. Soooooooo...
 I have decided to immediately do another challenge. I am going to have ONE cheat day tomorrow before I start on Saturday. On my cheat day I am going to "work" out not just totally "pig" out, and continue my 24 day NO diet coke streak (Again, my name is Kellie, I have a problem). My husband Chad will be starting the cleanse with me on Saturday morning as well. I am so excited to do this as a team. If he let's me I will share our results with you. (He is not quite the "sharer" that I am.) Where I was seems so very far away right now. 

I do not have it all together, I am not 100% sure I have the fortitude to do this "AGAIN". 
What I do have is a foundation to build on. A proven wellness system and plan that works from the inside out. A desire to make a comeback, a better, stronger, CHAMPION.