Friday, November 21, 2014


Hey Ya'll. I am blogging today about the progress my awesome Hubs and I have made since you last heard from me. I am beaming with pride and excitement over his results. (Even more so than mine). I don't have a lot to say necessarily because the pictures speak for themselves. (I also believe Actions speak louder than words...hard lesson I have had to learn after losing, gaining, and losing again.) What I do want to say and believe with all my heart is this...Consistency over time = Amazing Results! ( I stole that from one of the trainers on my AdvoCare workout DVD's.

We traveled to New Orleans for a fun Birthday Weekend the end of September and to Biloxi, MS for a work conference in October. We celebrated 5 birthdays. Survived Halloween without eating a Reese's. Went to the movies and out to eat several times. Purchased a new car...Oh like you don't stress eat when you sign your life away for a vehicle.  We lived our lives, but as we lived we CONSISTENTLY worked out and made better choices. And...we did this TOGETHER! We decided to get on the same page on what we wanted out of life and what we were willing to do to get it. We have supported each other, encouraged, whined, cried (a little), and pushed when one of us didn't think we could keep going. Success is a by-product of that. As we are getting ready for Thanksgiving break I have to say I am so thankful for my husband. For the life he has chosen to take back and for holding my hand and taking me with him.





If you are ready to get results don't wait until tomorrow. Don't wait until after the Holidays. Today is the day.

Today starts the first day of our Thanksgiving break. Thank you SO MUCH MS Dept of Ed for your perfect timing. I think they know that all school district employees must have a Thanksgiving break or they would all run out screaming and never come back! I can't wait to get my house all cleaned, light some cinnamon candles, and put up my tree. Okay trees. There will be lots of Christmas movie watching, snuggling in PJ's, and precious time spent with my boys over the next week. Chad and I are not done. We are on a mission. Thankful I am married to Superman because I definitely need rescuing from time to time.

From this GIRL and her THREE amazing GUYS...HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....

It is day 52! What? Ok so I told you last time that I was going to have one cheat day then do back-to-back challenges and I actually followed through with it! Monday was day 24 of this challenge. Yes I ate myself silly on that cheat day. Enjoyed it during, not so much after. I think I got a couple cravings under control by doing that. I still have not had a diet coke. Not even on my cheat day. (Insert loud applause, obnoxious fan squeals, etc.)

Chad and I did this challenge together. Today is day 27 for him. I was so excited for him to finally be "ALL IN" with AdvoCare. He is not a "green" eater so that posed some challenges throughout (including an all out "discussion" over English Peas being "green" "vegetables") and he has determined he would rather eat a stick than brown rice (I personally love it). I did find this recipe on Pinterest and tweaked it slightly to make it a little more challenge friendly.

Peel and cut up sweet potatoes. Try not to cut your hand off or shoot someones eye out with a rouge sweet potato piece while cutting them up. ( I am not very talented in the kitchen arena.) Spray a long flat pan with olive oil cooking spray. Spread potato pieces over tray and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of honey, and one teaspoon of cinnamon over the potato pieces. Kind of scoop them up and stir them around with your hands to cover them in the mixture. Bake at 400 for around 30-45 minutes until they look like the pic below. Um, can you say DELISH!

I am so proud of Chad for working hard and following all the way through with it. Here are his results:

Weight loss: 19.6 lbs
Inch loss: 9.5

WOW! He refused a whole body after photo...I will try to sneak one in a little further into his journey. He said I could post all day long about him but he is a man of few words and even fewer photos. Sorry y'all all ya get are his feet for this post. (I think he lost in his feet they look slimmer to me hehehehe.)

For my results I am posting the original (DAY 1) the End of the first challenge (DAY 24) and then the End of this challenge (Day 49) for you to see the transition. Some of the changes are subtle but there. 

This Challenge 
Weight Loss: 6 lbs
Inch Loss: 1.5

I didn't exercise quite the way I should have due to a busy schedule. My numbers aren't great but they are what they are. I considered not posting but one of the biggest compliments I get from this blog is how raw and real it is. So there ya go. As real as it gets. It doesn't just fall off. This isn't easy or magic, I have said that a time or two. Hey 6 lbs is 6 lbs though and when you look at the grand scheme of things, that is still 19.6 lbs in 49 days and I will take that as a win! 

So what now? Right when I started this challenge I tuned into an awesome webinar our AdvoCare upline provided as a tool for newbies doing a challenge. Little did I know it would motivate and encourage me in my personal journey. I can't remember who but someone on there had lost 35 pounds in 90 days on AdvoCare. WHATTTT? Do I need to remind yall how long it took me to get that original 35 lbs off before AdvoCare. This was the whole issue dampering my motivation this go around anyway. I told you in the last post I wasn't sure I could do this "AGAIN". So I was like oh it's on now. I can hang for 90 days. So that is where I am. Day 52 of 90. Shooting for a 35 lb loss to get me back in the 170's before Thanksgiving. I am a little off schedule if talking strictly numbers which JILL ACOSTA will send me a text about before she even finishes reading this to tell me to throw the scales away and stop obsessing over numbers. The very cool thing is that even though those scales didn't move quite like they did on that first challenge things are changing. I am here to TESTIFY to you that when I weighed 212 prior to AdvoCare I did not get 19.6 pounds off in 49 days. It took me almost a year with some whole months not losing one pound. I can also TESTIFY to you that at 192 lbs before AdvoCare NO WAY could I wear a size 12 skinny jean. I am going to continue eating as if I were challenging which I like to call the "AdvoCare Way". Lean meat, lots of green veggies and some shady veggies for chad ( ahem English peas), fruits, nuts, etc. As clean as possible, I'm not prepping for Miss Fitness USA people so a little "dirty" won't hurt me. (FYI: MISS MISSISSIPPI was amazing on stage, NOT skin and bones and rocked that RED jumpsuit. It was PERFECTION and I need one of those in my closet ASAP!) I am debating starting another challenge the first of October. I am considering doing another challenge starting Sept. 30th. One reason is to get that last push in before the holidays hit, another is in support of the hubs and his second challenge. I just know that no matter what I will be using my products and staying as ON POINT and consistent as I can, WITHOUT Diet Coke.

Chad in NOLA last year for his Birthday Celebration. Love this pic of my
Hottie Hubs! :) 
Chad and I will be traveling to NOLA this weekend to hopefully bring some good luck to our boys during their season opener in tha DOME.  They have got to get it together (yikes guys). We are celebrating his 34th and my 35th birthday. I am not nervous about eating while there. I will be having some local cuisine and definitely visit Cafe Du Monde but I know I have to be real and I have to live and enjoy life. I also have to know when enough is enough and quit acting like having one beignet is my last ever meal and eat two instead. I can't continue looking at weight gain and loss as punishment. I can't keep comparing myself to women on tv, in magazines, or even bloggers I follow. Each person has their own life and is writing their own story. I want to be content with who God designed me to be and that starts with letting go of ideals and unrealistic versions of myself. That isn't being healthy. Being healthy comes in lots of different shapes and sizes. So for now I will just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Anybody have a fairy godmother complete with magical wand? Bippity Boppity Boo Hoo Hoo!

When I first started typing this post I really was not sure where to start or even what to type. I was hoping if I just started rambling some sort of extraordinary statement would flow out. A statement that would explain the train wreck I allowed myself to be a part of since you last heard from me. Don't worry this post is not all doom and gloom. (Insert Inspirational Quote It is however, very real, very honest, and from my heart. 212. Yep you read that right 212 is what was flashing in those stupid digital numbers on my scale that only 4 months ago said 183  (back in my jeans), and only a year and 4 months ago said 159 (jeans falling off). How did I get here? I would like to say I don't know. But I do, just don't like typing it out-loud. First, I need to take you on the waaaaaa-mbulance with me for just a few minutes. Because I am pretty sure I am not the only person alive that has said or thought these things. 
(Insert the sound of whining, crying, kicking, flailing of arms, and some screaming here.)
It's not fair.

Why me?

Skinny people that eat alot make me want to punch them in the throat.

Why do I gain 3 lbs in 1 week and take 3 weeks to lose 1 lb?

I want to quit.

I have no motivation.

I worked so hard and let it all go.

I was tired of working hard. 

Who else works this hard?

I just wanted to eat without thinking.

I'm tired.

What's the point?


Can anyone re-sell me the clothes I sold them over the past 3 years because none of mine fit?

I would like to tell you that quote ignited my fire. It didn't. I have STRUGGLED. I have come to realize 99% of my battle is in my head. I still don't have the answer to all those questions. I suppose I will always have days where I feel that way.

One of the ONLY things that jolted me enough to order myself a cleanse and set a date to start a 24 day challenge was the fact that I weighed more than I did when I originally started AdvoCare and was well on my way back to the pic on the left. That infamous picture that started it all in the first place. Something had to change and fast. Let me back up slightly. The pic on the right was in April 2014. Just 4 months ago, right after I finished a Lean in 13. That was the 183 mark. First time to wear a "fitted" dress like that in YEARS. A few things happened that aren't worth my time mentioning. Things that I allowed to start my downward spiral. (All I will say is that as Thumper put it...If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all.)  I used the words "I allowed" because I did allow opinions, circumstances, life to mess me up. It wasn't that they caused my problem, it was that I allowed them to control me. (Excuse the bathroom selfie, it was the only place with a full length mirror. I made it to send to my husband while I was in Nashville, and he responded with "NICE" meaning like "HOT NICE" not just nice. Which made me LOL. Which should have been all the reassurance I needed. Somehow "Little Debbie" also "reassured" me.)

I started an AdvoCare 24 day challenge on July 29, 2014. To be honest I wasn't sure I would even make it through the first three days. AdvoCare helped me accomplish so much and without question I knew it was the very BEST place to start "again". Obviously I had not been following the AdvoCare plan nor had I been faithfully taking the products during the de-railment. Which leads me to the other reason I knew something had to change. AdvoCare has given me a vehicle to accomplish goals. Health goals, fitness goals, weight-loss goals, and financial goals. I was throwing that away, not at all leading by example for my awesome team. (Something I harp on to my boys "Lead by example". Hey how about "Practice what you preach mom.") Here are my before pics.

SO, CLEARLY, THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY WERE. And HOLY SNAP BEANS that behind! Wooooooo. Where did that come from? Other than the little debbie cakes, cinnamon rolls, cupcakes, etc. I am sure some of you are falling out in your chairs that I would post such obscenities as my weight, measurements, and ahem, photos. However, it's my story, my decision. 
So whoop there it is. 

The day after my cleanse was over I had the amazing opportunity to attend AdvoCare Success School in Arlington, Texas with three of my team members and my amazing up-line! We competed in a competition to win a sweat shirt and I am proud to stay my girl Stacey Thomas and I won two of them! Way to represent Team Mississippi! Our team celebration was at Six Flags. I rode BATMAN THE RIDE...BACKWARDS! IT WAS AWESOME! On Sunday morning we had a worship service with Micheal W. Smith. It was breathtaking. The name of Jesus rang through Cowboys stadium. Pretty sure that doesn't happen too often.

We attended product training and heard from so many leaders in AdvoCare. One special time during Success School is the Rising Stars presentations. People in AdvoCare that have amazing stories are selected for these awards. The one that touched me the most was the cutest blonde I have ever seen. When my team looked at me and said she sounds so much like you Kellie. I felt so honored and so broken as well. It broke my heart because I knew that I had lost that desire and I desperately wanted it back. I had a great time with my team. They are truly a blessing to me. I have to say I was not totally "on" with my food, but I did control myself portion wise and made the best selection I could. I weighed the second I got home just to be sure. I didn't gain and that was the goal... to travel without gaining. Whew. 

Today is day 24. I have cried ALOT. Like ALOT. Angry tears, sad tears, exhausted tears, I want a diet coke tears.

Here are my results photos. 

Weight Loss: 13.6 lbs
Inch Loss: 7 Inches

TBH: I am pretty proud of the scale numbers but I am not so proud of the inch loss or pictures. I really didn't even want to post them. You know it is way harder to look at results photos when you have gone up and are trying really hard to come back down. However it is what it is. 

Tired of being Negative Nancy so here are my Polly Positives for where I am right now.

Some...of my clothes are STARTING to fit.
I met my first goal of getting back under 200 (barely).
Though they subtle I can tell a difference. 
My hair has really grown.
I have worked out every day this week.
I LOVE the new DB9 protein bars. (Help curb my sweet tooth and they have Drew Brees's face on the box...Who wouldn't love to see that face on a box every morning!)

So what now?

I am pretty sure Disney is not going to share their secret stash of fairy godmothers or magical wands. Hoopla and fairy dust doesn't get it done. Hard work, dedication, commitment, and perseverance do. Soooooooo...
 I have decided to immediately do another challenge. I am going to have ONE cheat day tomorrow before I start on Saturday. On my cheat day I am going to "work" out not just totally "pig" out, and continue my 24 day NO diet coke streak (Again, my name is Kellie, I have a problem). My husband Chad will be starting the cleanse with me on Saturday morning as well. I am so excited to do this as a team. If he let's me I will share our results with you. (He is not quite the "sharer" that I am.) Where I was seems so very far away right now. 

I do not have it all together, I am not 100% sure I have the fortitude to do this "AGAIN". 
What I do have is a foundation to build on. A proven wellness system and plan that works from the inside out. A desire to make a comeback, a better, stronger, CHAMPION. 

Friday, April 4, 2014



The power was out due to a storm. I started to just take a rest day. Then I changed my mind. As soon as the power came back on I went ahead and did my Can You 24 Power Yoga Flow workout. It was only 26 minutes and I had to wait on my kids uniform shorts to dry anyway. Why? Because they were out of clean uniforms on Thursday night I put them on to wash right before bed. Doesn't everyone do that? I weighed this day. Since beginning my weight loss journey three years ago I have weighed on Friday mornings whether I was challenging or not. I know, I know...I am not supposed to focus on the scales. I just know when I don't weigh I let things slide. So it's not that I am necessarily looking for a "loss" every week, more just to not gain. So we weighed. I am not telling you what I had lost at this point. You can check that out below but Chad lost 7.5 pounds since the Friday before. I am so proud of him. He has worked out consistently, eaten healthy, and taken his AdvoCare products. It paid off and I couldn't be happier for him.

For breakfast through lunch I followed the same food/snack/product routine as previous burn days. For lunch I had fish tacos from Hardees. Although it was an act of congress to get them without cheese, southwest sauce, or a shell I eventually got my order. In other words I wanted fish, lettuce, and salsa. That also included a trip to the car with them, checking them and going right back in because they still had cheese on them. I mean really. I was totally apologetic. I explained when I requested them this way I had a strict diet and it may sound crazy. They never once said I am sorry for not getting it right twice and for me waiting almost 20 minutes to get them because the guy "didn't know how to make them without a shell". I was frustrated but I was nice and smiled and said I was sorry again and got a smirk back. If they weren't the only place in town with grilled atlantic cod I would not go back. Oh yeah and if they didn't taste AH-MAZING! 

I think I can make something similar to this at home. Let's face it though, I have to eat out. We are extremely busy and I have to do what I have to do. 

We had a fishing tournament at our church this weekend that Chad and I served at. It was a fish fry and they had full out church food including dessert and by dessert I mean banana pudding. I am soooooo proud of my husband and I. We took leftover fajita chicken and warmed it up to eat. The church had green beans. I am not sure if they were prepared exactly according to our "plan" but we drained them and only ate about a cup worth. Go us! I only smelled the banana pudding.


I had the same for breakfast through lunch I followed the same food/snack/product routine as the previous refuel day, except the fruit at the mid-morning snack time. For lunch I had the rest of the fajita chicken and 1/2 cup brown rice. I had a little variation from the plan this day which I was not happy about but I did the best with what I had. I had two hardboiled eggs for my protein this afternoon. I didn't want to run totally out of muscle gain shakes before my order came in but still needed to make sure I got protein in at this time. I saved the shakes I have left for weekdays since that is easier. Again, not exact, wasn't what I wanted to do, but it was my best option. Since I could have fruit this day and I didn't have one with my almonds during my mid-morning snack I had a "cuties" orange for a mid-afternoon snack.

Today was abs and arms day. I used the supplemental workouts from the Can You 24 Level 2 workout series. The arms workout incorporates the exercise ball and resistance band. The core workout incorporates the ball. That dreaded ball that I fell off of and made bounce to the ceiling and roll to the living room the first time I tried one of these workouts with it. I am happy to report I am much better using it and actually enjoy the workouts that I use it with. Amazing how about a month of keeping at something changes how well you do it. Just keep working, just keep working.
For supper I had baked Tilapia and a sweet potato. It was heavenly.


I had the opportunity to sing with a sweet friend and fellow church member on Sunday. I had to get to church to practice and review my Sunday School lesson so I didn't get my workout in before church. For breakfast through lunch I followed the same food/snack/product routine as previous burn days. For lunch I had steamed broccoli and three chicken breast tenderloin strips that I grilled on the George Foreman. I have really used this a lot lately and I am loving it! Mid-afternoon I had a spark. I totally and completely forgot my mid-afternoon protein! I know, how in the world. I ran 2.5 miles then quickly got ready for choir and ran out the door before remembering. For supper I had a turkey burger with no bun and green beans. I got a little hungry after my supper so I had one tablespoon of natural peanut butter. I am not sure if I should or shouldn't have it. I have gotten conflicting answers for this but I had it and it was devine!


Today was Shred Total day from  the Can You 24 Level 2 Workout Series. LOVE IT! There is only one exercise in the whole routine that I just can't make my body do yet (reverse burps) and only three that I have to modify (all push up activities). I am kicking booty and taking names!
For breakfast through lunch I followed the same food/snack/product routine as previous burn days. For lunch I had...okay now let me just say I ate this. I wasn't happy about it. I am pretty sure I will never ever have it again. Spinach, boiled eggs, and tuna. I know...I was just trying to change it up a bit. My thoughts were tuna salad. You know like they serve in the cafeteria over lettuce. Well I don't really care for regular lettuce but I love spinach. I tried to kill it with a little mustard because that's all I knew to do. Again, I ate it. It wasn't the worst thing I have ever eaten, but it sure wasn't the best and I won't try that combo again if I don't have to. For supper I had shell-less tacos made with lean ground beef served over a bed of spinach and topped with salsa. This was a very nice change!

Since Chad is on a slightly different eating plan than I am on I added a whole grain tortilla shell and a side of rice. He was happy, happy, happy.


Today was run day 2 for the week. I struggled. I'm sore, tired, and just had a really hard time getting in motion. I did it though. For breakfast through lunch I followed the same food/snack/product routine as previous burn days. For lunch I had shell-less fish tacos from Hardees again, they are not pausing in silence or asking as many questions as they did before. Maybe they will learn how to remove the shell and cheese eventually.

For supper my sweet hubs made special oven baked chicken. He mixed up spices and worked really hard to make it perfect. He had his over rice, I had mine over steamed broccoli. It was delicious.
FYI: A man cooking in the kitchen is hot. I am not talking about the oven either! ;)

It was HUMP DAYYYYYYYY OR AS I CALL IT YOGA DAYYYYYYYY. I feel so much better after a great stretch and yoga workout. The Power Yoga Flow workout on the Can You 24 Level 2 series is the!
For breakfast through lunch I followed the same food/snack/product routine as previous refuel days. For lunch I had an AdvoBar. For supper I had baked tilapia and a sweet potato. Did I mention how much I love a sweet potato? Well just in case. They are so good. I have never loved them more than I have after three burn days!
On top of it being yoga day I got a pedicure too. Yes, I am the princess! :)

It was also Bible Drill night for our children and youth at Antioch. I am so proud of each and every one of them. Especially these two! 

For whatsoever things are written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Romans 15:4


Wow. Day 13. I can't believe it is here. And I am still alive. Just kidding. I thought that to start with but really it was not that bad. I am in a routine and I am happy with the choices I am continuing to make.  For breakfast through lunch I followed the same food/snack/product routine as previous burn days. For lunch, you guessed it, shell-less, cheese-less fish tacos! I just love the way they taste. I did not have a bit of trouble ordering either! Yay for Hardee's! For supper I made the "egg muffins" I made few days ago again. This time I added chopped spinach to mine and topped them with salsa. So delicious!
Recipe on What's for Supper tab.


I am headed to Nashville for a beautiful wedding of an amazing young woman that inspires me all of the time. She recently signed up as an AdvoCare distributor and finished her first challenge, including following the Lean in 13 regimen during the MAX phase. So proud of her and can't wait to read and share her blog with you once she returns from her honeymoon! I also can not wait to show you my beautiful dress and awesome shoes I am wearing to the wedding! #EXCITED!  I am going to be very good while out of town but I am planning on a"treat" for myself while there. That treat will not involve a soda of any kind. I have been 47 days without one and I have not intentions of allowing Diet Coke to suck me back in. How many times have you heard, well read, me say "Hello, my name is Kellie, I am addicted to diet coke"? It is a TRUE STORY! I have a problem and it is one that I know I can't just have a little taste of because that little taste is all I need to push me back off the edge. I know me and I know this is true for me. Is it for you? I can't answer that. You have to. I am hydrated and satisfied with water. Whenever I feel like I am not I drink a Spark. When I say satisfied I also mean mentally satisfied. My body is thanking me for the water it is now getting my body is satisfied. My mind still needs some work so it is one day at a time.
Side note: My awesome husband lost another 2.5 pounds this week. He's at 10 pounds in two weeks! Go Chad go!

Just a reminder of my DAY ONE measurements, weight, and photos.

It isn't magic but AdvoCare helps me to get the most of the work I am putting in. The results prove that.

The jeans don't lie! Hello size 8's oh how I have missed wearing you, especially without fear of taking someone's eye out with the button!

 Ok, so this is my #flexbreak is brought to you by AdvoCare... because even though it is very tiny and you may need a magnifying glass there is a line there defining my biceps. So BAM!

AdvoCare....We Build Champions!

I will be posting along the way to keep you updated on this journey and I will add these results to my Weight Loss Journey tab soon. I plan to do another cleanse and Lean in 13 in May. 

I will leave you with this today:

I am made for more. I owe it all to Him.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3

I want the flowers, I will do the work.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


I will have been with AdvoCare for two years as of April 23, 2014. I have read about Lean in 13 so many times. Printed out the checklist, watched the training videos, asked questions. I had never been brave enough to try it until March 22, 2014.

Today's post is about days 1-6. Why Lean in 13 and not a challenge? Well, I just finished a challenge. I do an AdvoCare 24 day Challenge every 90 days. This is great for your gastrointestinal tract and a great way to jumpstart your metabolism. I am on a mission right now to get back to "where I was" this time last year. One thing I have discovered about myself from reading Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst is that I keep sabotaging myself by working really hard, eating the right foods, not drinking sodas for momentary weight loss and satisfaction then I re-vert back to my old ways and gain. I start relying on food for comfort. I lose my will-power to resist past a bite or a treat. I need to wear a sign that bounces up and slaps me in the face every day that says "Kellie you are not naturally skinny, you have to work for this, you were made for more." Made for more than temporary satisfaction in a clothing size. Made for more than a certain number on the scale. Made for more than just half-hearted workouts. More than whining about the scales not moving.  Which brings me to Lean in 13. For me, I can't just challenge every 90 days and abuse my body in between. I have fought this viscious cycle over and over for two years. Now let me say this. I don't want to discredit what I have done. There were a ton of tears, blood, and lots of sweat into those pounds I lost. But just like we allow sin to creep back in our lives when we aren't focused on God and what He has for our lives so does food, empty calories, cravings, and defeat. I have to have something to keep me focused. Even when I reach maintenance I will apply these principles or I will end up right back where I started.

Lean in 13 uses the zig-zag method of burn for three days, refuel day, repeat this process for the 13 day duration. Then on day 14 you get a free day. Which means you can eat without a pattern. That does not mean you can go mow the door of GiGi's Cupcakes down. You can have a "treat" if you want but not overeat.

I am really really not wanting to post these pics. I mean the weight, ah, that don't bother me. I've told you before that I don't whisper my weight or hide it. The "all up in dem blue jeans" photo and measurements however are another story. Nothing like seeing it plastered in black and teal. I have to though. It motivates me to know that I have people that will check back here next Thursday to see what I have done on and off the scales.




I packed and planned in order to avoid disaster. Not pictured is my shake. Yes, that is a 74.4 oz water jug. Yes, I have toted it with me each day. Yes, I have managed to drink that plus a 16 oz glass at breakfast and another 16 oz glass at supper. I had a full day out of the house planned and I knew I would fail miserably if I didn't. 

I started the day with my MNS Max 3 before breakfast pack. Thirty minutes later I had an AdvoCare chocolate meal replacement shake. I then took the two after meal (two bottom packs) packets of MNS Max 3. 

About an hour after breakfast I had my morning Spark. This was at the beginning of my son's High School Archery meet. Roll Tornadoes, GO PATE!
Around 10:30 I had three catalyst. Mid-morning I had natural almonds for a snack. I love them. To me they taste like pecans. Ok, maybe I am just making that up but whatever works right? Thirty minutes prior to lunch I had my before lunch MNS Max 3 packet. For lunch I had grilled chicken breast and an individual green bean from KFC. Ok, don't start bashing me here. I did what I had to do. I was in town and it was my best option. I peeled the skin back and didn't use ketchup. We then went to Neshoba Lake and fished the entire afternoon with our boys. Normally I would have loaded up on sweet and salty snacks and tons of soda. Not this time. I took my protein shake, afternoon spark, water, and one extra pack of almonds (day one people I needed them for security) with me as we walked out to the island area. 
Good Day
Neshoba Lake

Around 3:00 p.m. I had three catalyst. I had my first ever AdvoCare Muscle Gain Protein Shake around 3:00 p.m. To be honest I was ready to chug because I had no idea what in the world it was gonna taste like. All I can say is wow. Chocolatey goodness just in time! Around 5:00 I had my afternoon spark and about 15 minutes later broke down and ate the "extra" almonds. I was hungry. Not exact to the plan but on the plan so I say for day one that is a win for me. For supper I had grilled tilapia with a dash of olive oil and seasoning and steamed broccoli. One of my favorite clean meals. I didn't exercise on Saturday, I had been up helping at the meet, while fishing, and walked a good bit while at the lake.  I went to bed a little hungry and a lot tired but a good tired. 


Sunday is my first run day of the week. I get up, run, study my lesson for Sunday School and then get ready for church. No, they are not as simple as that sounds. Here is more what our Sunday mornings look like most of the time. 

I did however manage to get all of that in and only make myself late this past Sunday, my husband and kids were actually on time. 

Same products/snacks as day one for breakfast to lunch. For lunch I had chicken breast strips grilled on the George Foreman grill and the left over steamed broccoli. 

Again, three catalyst mid-afternoon. Protein shake around 3:00. Afternoon Spark around 4:30. I have choir on Sunday afternoons so I made my supper ahead of time before going to choir so I could make sure I had something "on the plan" and not fall off due to getting in late, getting ready for school the next day etc. I made rotel egg muffins with ground turkey. Top with a little salsa, yum! I added a little cheese to the top for the hubs and one kid. One kid wouldn't touch these with a ten-foot pole cheese or no cheese. 

Recipe can be found under What's for Supper tab.


Mondays are my sculpt/shred/cardio days. I try to alternate workouts so that my body doesn't get used to the same thing. This day I chose Sculpt from the Can You 24 Level 2 Workout Series. It incorporated the resistance band and exercise ball. Tough 36 minute workout, but it was so good. 

Same products/snacks as day one for breakfast to lunch. For lunch I had leftover grilled chicken breast strips that I shredded up and put on top of the rest of the leftover steamed broccoli. My family doesn't always eat what I eat and I have to be okay with that. We are all different and it's not their responsibility to make me eat healthy foods. So I seal an store my leftovers and eat them until they are gone. 

Again, three catalyst mid-afternoon. Protein shake around 3:00. Afternoon Spark around 4:30.  I had the "egg" muffins again for supper to finish them up.


I built this day up in my head big time. Yay me I could have clean carbs. It was run day. I literally cried on the treadmill. I know, such a girl. Then Toby Mac's Eye On It came on. Here are the lyrics that stood out to me:

I set my eyes to the west, walkin' away from it all
Reachin' for what lies ahead, I got my eye on it
I see my sweat hit the ground
I put my foot in the block
This is the race of my life
And I can't wait for this shot

I sucked it up and quit crying. Kind of hard to when that song is on. Highly recommend some Toby Mac for running!

Same breakfast routine as days 1-3 but at mid morning snack time I had an apple and almonds. Then for lunch I had an AdvoBar. I have never been more happy to have an AdvoBar as I was today at lunch, chewy, yummy, clean-carb goodness. Again, three catalyst mid-afternoon. Protein shake around 3:00. Afternoon Spark around 4:30. 

I have never been so excited about a sweet potato as I was about the one I had for supper with my turkey burger (no bun), and brussel sprouts. I did add Carb-Ease here just because I had more carbs this day.

Same products/snacks as day one for breakfast to lunch. I wasn't feeling well this day. I am not sure if I had a bug or just sinus headache, maybe a little of both. Apparently whatever is blooming in Mississippi is not liked by my allergies. 

My mid-afternoon I was feeling some better and went ahead and worked out. It would normally be YOGA-DAYYYYYY since it was HUMP-DAYYYYYY but I had three Catalyst and a Spark about 15 minutes prior to my workout. I decided to go ahead with a Shred Total workout from the Can You 24 Level 2 series with Ja'Warren Hooker and trade my yoga day for Friday morning. Shred is the perfect word to describe this workout. It incorporated the resistance band and the exercise ball. I did manage to stay on the ball (which is a win for me) and only almost pop myself in the face with the resistance band once (another win). I also found a new favorite exercise in this video. Pop-up push ups. You start with hands in center then pop out to a push up then pop back to center. I did the modified or "girl" version to this but I can't wait to do a "real boy" version of these. Welcome to the gun show baby! One new exercise on this video I did not care for was reverse Burpees. Not sure why I thought I would like reverse ones I DESPISE the regular ones. I did them anyway, not perfectly, but they job was done. Followed my workout with a Muscle Gain Shake.

For supper I had fajita chicken. This awesome recipe can be found on the "What's for Supper" tab. I had it with a side of steamed brussel sprouts and no wrap. I fixed myself about a cup of chicken and about a cup and a half of sprouts. I was a little hungry so I had another 1/2 cup of the fajita chicken. Lean in 13 tells you that if you are still hungry eat a few more bites of protein until satisfied. That did the trick.

Today was run day 3 for me. It wasn't a bad run. I only got in about 2 miles but it was a solid two miles. Each day it gets a little easier. 
Same products/snacks as day one for breakfast to lunch. For lunch I had KFC grilled chicken breast and I ordered green beans. However this is what they put in my box:

Are you kidding me? Mashed potatoes and gravy...Seriously.  I don't normally even really like mashed potatoes and gravy but oh my word this looked and smelled good.  So what did I do? I put them back in the box and luckily caught the school cafeteria before they closed and they happened to have green beans. Wooooo!
 Again, three catalyst mid-afternoon. Protein shake around 3:00. Afternoon Spark around 4:00. Peyton had his first track meet of the season in Meridian so I had to bump some things up in order to get my products mixed up before driving. Peyton did an amazing job. There is nothing like seeing your kid work for something. He improved his time from last year by almost 4 minutes! A couple times this week every member of the Penson family ran. That is something that has become a "happy place" for me. Even though its hard, it's a release. I love that my healthy/active lifestyle is filtering over to my sweet kiddos. A love for running is something that has to be learned. Landon has been very inquisitive about calorie burn etc. They both have learned to love baked Tilapia and brown rice has now replaced white rice. For supper we went to Captain D's. It is Peyton and Landon's favorite place to eat. I chose the grilled shrimp and beef skewers with steamed broccoli. It was served over a bed of rice but I let Landon have that. 

So this was to the half-way point pretty much. I will talk to you guys on day 13 to fill you in on my final results. I just wanted to go ahead and show you what I am doing, tell you why, and make myself accountable to finish this. I have been 39 days without a diet coke. As some of you saw on facebook yes I will take my medal now. Seriously this is a very hard thing for me. Water, water, water, more water, Spark, and a little OJ here and there is all I have had. Tomorrow is yoga day and Friday! I am actually excited to get up and do this workout. Power Yoga Flow with Mia Finnegin on the Can You 24 Level 2 Workout series is one of my favorites! I am also on week 5 of Couch to 5K in preparation for my first ever 5K in May. I am doing the Color Run. I plan on having a pretty cool #OOTD for that and of course and entire blog post about it.

I also want to give a shout out to the hubs here. For several weeks he has been getting up working out, making healthy choices, and struggling just like me. I have always said it's easier for men. I have changed my mind. I have watched him work hard and be defeated too. Because they are tough they just handle their defeat differently than we do. Another small win for me has been finally convincing him to use the AdvoCare products to supplement his nutrition. He is now Sparking, Omegaplexing, and Coreplexing. My house isn't always clean and he has to treasure hunt for socks in the basket that haven't been folded some days but he does not complain. He has been so supportive of my efforts in AdvoCare and I appreciate that more than he will ever know. But having him doing this with me is super exciting. 
If having a partner in crime is better than going at it solo then this should be a piece of cake. No, not cake, how about a piece of freshly sliced apple. But only on refuel day. 

Prayers are appreciated.

John 16:33

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

If it was easy it wouldn't be worth having. He overcame death, hell, and the grave for us. Surely we can overcome our struggles through Him that overcame the world.