Sunday, August 18, 2013



My Sunday morning routine starts the same way almost every Sunday. Get up, start breakfast, iron clothes, get Chad out the door for Deacon's meeting then attempt to exercise. I say attempt to exercise because I am NOT a morning person. Nor and I a "fan" of morning workouts. I don't know how in the world people get up morning after morning and go to the gym. I pretty much have to get my exercise in prior to church on Sundays because we have choir and by the time I get home and do lunch it is almost time to go back. Today, especially because we had a spaghetti lunch to help us raise money for Youth Camp. Now, I am mainly smiling in this pic because, well it's a picture and frowning is not very becoming. On my Instagram post it has #morningrun, #whodatlove, and #wontbesmilingwhenthisisover. I should have put #onlysmilingforapicturewontsmiletherestoftherun. We are huge New Orleans Saints fans, hence the tank top. What does it mean to be a fan? Is it becuase you go to or watch every game,  cheer them on, buy almost everything you see with a fleur de lis on it (which I do), follow Drew Brees on Twitter, or just post about them on Facebook? Are you a bandwagon fan? Do you only like your team when they are winning or have a good season? Do you jump ship when times get tough? Now Chad Penson is a TRUE Saints fan. Through the bag years and all he has loved the Saints. I can recall him for years on end saying "Well, maybe next year" at the end of a season. He would wear his Who Dat? t-shirt proudly either way. Then came that magical moment, if you don't know which one I am talking about you must not like football or you live under a rock. "Laissez le bon temps rouler" or Let the Good Times Roll." It is a miracle the Saints won the Super Bowl. Wow, what an amazing event, and boy what a following that came after. 

Okay so I told you in my Sunday in the South page that one of my latest adventures is teaching youth girls sunday school. I haven't actually started teaching yet. I have started going to class with them to familiarize myself with the study they have been doing. I won't actually start teaching for a couple of weeks. The study is called "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idleman. It talks about what it really means to follow Jesus. To me "Not a Fan" almost sounds silly. I mean, not a fan of JESUS, or not a fan in general? I'm confused. I thought being a fan was a good thing, and of course I "follow" Jesus. I am a Christian. Since I am a little behind I am going back through chapters 1-3. While reading I came across this..."Fans have a tendency to confuse their knowledge for intimacy. They don't recognize the difference between knowing about Jesus and truly knowing Jesus."
Hmmmm, being a fan can be a good thing, but we should be followers of Jesus, not fans. We know a lot about our teams, their stats, their history, their uniform colors, their abilities. But most of us don't really know them. (Even though Drew and I are tight now that I basically tackled him in the San Diego Airport, and since he graciously made a picture with this crazy woman from Mississippi and her husband who was all but smelling his cologne he was so close to him.) I mean like on a personal level. Sure, most Christian people know about who Jesus is, His history, His promises, His abilities, but do we KNOW HIM? Personally, intimately?  Do we treat Jesus this way? Do I treat Jesus this way? Do I want to stand as close to him as I was Drew? Am I as excited to talk to Him as I was Drew Brees? Do I only desire a close, right relationship with God when big things are happening at church? I am not saying it is wrong to want to meet your favorite athlete, or cheer on your favorite team (believe me I do). I am just saying that I don't want to be just a fan of Jesus Christ. I want to be a follower. There is a difference and I should treat Him as such in my life.  I can't wait to continue this study with that group of amazing young women. Our church is blessed with some teenagers that are not fans but followers of Jesus Christ. What an honor and privilege it is to have the opportunity to teach them, and learn with them.

#OOTD #SundayintheSouth

Today's "Outfit of the Day" was a sundress by Karlie from Williams Brothers paired with nude strappy wedges by Refresh, from Jewelry Just for Fun, and for church a white denim jacket from Old Navy. Adding a cute jacket or coat to any strapless, halter style, or small strap dress, or top more appropriately carries your outfit to church or work. This particular dress I would even pair with a dark denim crop jacket and cowboy boots in the fall. Love transitional pieces that I can wear anywhere.

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