Monday, September 2, 2013


Like I have told you before, I am not a morning person. This saying doesn't work for me. I must have a really good brain. Just kidding. I am determined to start doing at least two workouts a week in the mornings. I may be miserable and I may fuss about it but I am setting a goal this week to do that! Mainly Friday and Sunday because they are the two days I know I wont' have time in the afternoon to workout on. I am going to try to do Move it Monday posts on Mondays. Most won't be this long, I just happen to be off today for Labor Day, so I am being a little wordy! Today I want to talk about arms. Why? There is nothing like a good wave or arm raise at a hometown football game to make you realize that is an area you have neglected. Sure, they may be considered skinny, but "skin" is the key word here. I have been concentrating so much on the scales and so much on running and cardio that I have neglected the muscles, or lack there of in my arms. I do not want to bulk up or have boy arms. I want feminine, toned arms. This is for Abby: "Kelly Ripa" arms. 

NOOOOOO!                                                                                         YESSSSSSS!

Not at all what I am wanting.
No fear there anyway. LOL!
What I want. Feminine, toned arms.

When I was doing the Can You 24 workout dvd not only did they get tighter and more defined, they got stronger. As in real boy push up strong. It really is the best total body work out that has an amazing effect on the arms as a whole, with no weights.  I have 24 days until my birthday from today. It's September 25th. In case I haven't already said that like 5 times. I am a bit of a princess about my birthday. So I am starting the Can You 24 workout series back over today. In hopes of showing you an amazing before and after "flex" on the Move it Monday post the week of my birthday, which is September 25th. Ha! If you would like to purchase a copy of the Can You 24 workout series you can do so by clicking this link : CAN YOU 24 DVD . I have one or two other workouts that I love for arms. One is the biggest loser 10  minute arms workout. You use light free weights with it. I am going to try to incorporate it into my workout on cardio days. 

Right arm on Day 1 of the Can You 24 workout series

The following three exercises are my other favorites for getting rid of "bat wings":




I use the Fitness Pal ap to track my calories, fat, sodium, and sugars. I also track my workouts with this ap. It is a great way to keep a journal of the weeks eating habits and physical activities all in one place. This little quote reminded me that when I have a week that doens't go as well as I would have like that my body keeps an accurate journal whether I do or not. So a little extra sodium here, sugar there, and less effort on the treadmill or during a workout could mean the difference between smashing or squashing a week!



  • Helps maintain muscle mass during exercise and weight management
  • Helps support post-exercise muscle repair and recovery
  • Aids in preserving muscle and energy levels during times of calorie restriction
  • Supports mental energy and focus
  • Contains branched-chain amino acids and L-glutamine, L-arginine, betaine, and taurine

  • Enhances mental energy and focus
  • Provides support for long-lasting energy
  • Helps fight occasional drowsiness
  • 21 vitamins, minerals and nutrients
  • Sugar-free and only 45 calories
  • Helps reduce free radicals

I choose to drink a spark after my workout because I will be tired and love the energy boost plus it's like a treat for working out hard! 

Photo creds to Landon. Total "Real-Boy" push-ups: 1 Yeah I know, what a whimp. Had to do it the girl way for the rest of the workout. Blah! 

Why am I so open about my weight, progress, failures? One word. Inspiration. I have so many people in my life that have inspired me, motivated me, encouraged me over the past few years. It has now become about so much more than weight loss. It is more about finding a balance, a center. Figuring out what works and what doesn't and coming to the realization that this is not a short term project but a lifelong battle. Reading about other peoples successes and failures encourages me. Maybe something I say will motivate you. My heart just jumps when I get an inbox on facebook or a text from a sweet friend that I may or may not have thought was reading or would want to read my blog or story. It makes me happy to know that they get why I post. That they want me to post. The good, the bad, the ugly. That my ugly may be just what they are dealing with and need someone else to say "Hey I struggle with that too". Now that I am so close to a goal again I want to really work hard not to let go of it. I want to be a "fitspiration". No, it won't ever be "perfect" and I will always have flaws, but I can accomplish strength and fitness even if it isn't as pretty as a swimsuit models. Coming to terms with that is something I am still working on. Talking about it, seeing it black and white type, helps me remember that it's okay. 

Working out for the purpose of weight loss and fitness does not give you instant gratification. It takes time to see and feel results. It is going to take discipline on my part to commit to this 5 days a week. I have gottn back into working out 3-4 times a week but it is past time for me to step it up a notch if I want the kind of results I am looking for. I know it what has to be done. 

I am super excited about getting a new customer started on the performance line this week! This person is an avid weight lifter and gym rat. He has been using products from GNC. Can't wait to hear how he feels with AdvoCare products. 


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